How are you liking the latest furniture catalog?
Happy77 has a new "Reviewed By You" all ready! Here it is.
Happy77 has a new "Reviewed By You" all ready! Here it is.
Greetings Penguins!
In our last Reviewed By You post, we asked you about ways that you stay healthy. Thanks for all the amazing responses. You all have some great ideas. I love what Snowy44446 had to say:
On a different note, the team just released a furniture catalog with some old Club Penguin Fair favorites like the Ticket Booth and Popcorn Machine.
So for this Reviewed By You, we'd love to hear what igloo items you'd like to see in a future catalog!
We'll pick one of our favorite comments to be featured in our next Reviewed By You. The lucky penguin will also receive 10,000 bonus coins in their account.
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
In our last Reviewed By You post, we asked you about ways that you stay healthy. Thanks for all the amazing responses. You all have some great ideas. I love what Snowy44446 had to say:
There are many things that I do to stay healthy. I practice karate. I love to dance. I also attend camps during my summer vacation. The camps I did were soccer and fencing. I even did a robotics camp to keep my brain healthy too. But two of my favorite things I do to stay healthy are my mom makes me and my family healthy meals and I love to play outside with my friends.
So for this Reviewed By You, we'd love to hear what igloo items you'd like to see in a future catalog!
We'll pick one of our favorite comments to be featured in our next Reviewed By You. The lucky penguin will also receive 10,000 bonus coins in their account.
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
By Happy77 on September 13 2012 10:29
I really like the new furniture catalog!
I think a volcano item would be neat to have. There could be a lot of adventures built with that!