Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Official Guide!

Hey penguins!
Club Penguin will release a new book in the very near future.
Here is what Happy77 had to say about it!

Greetings Penguins!

This week I'm excited to announce the release of The Epic Official Guide to Club Penguin. It'll be available in stores across the USA and Canada starting this Thursday, August 16. So make sure you check it out!

Epic Official Guide-sm.jpgOur books always come with a special item you can unlock online, and with this Epic Official Guide, you'll unlock a rare item: the Expedition Backpack!

And don't forget to let us know what you think of The Epic Official Guide!

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77 on August 14 2012 10:59 | Comments (0)

Cool!  I wonder if there are any sneak peeks in there.  Hmm...

Have a great day!
