Thursday, August 8, 2013

Yavin 4 Walkthrough

Okay, so to start the Yavin 4 quest, click on your quest map, and click on Yavin 4.
Once you're there, you get this message from Princess Cadence:
"You made it to Yavin 4! It's not over yet. Pilot an X-wing and destroy the Death Star." Click OK, and you then click on an X-Wing. Once you get into the cockpit, a screen shows up asking what level you want to do. Start with level one.
Once you click "Play", you'll entered into a game. Use your arrow keys to maneuver your X-Wing. Use the space bar to shoot, and your arrow keys to move. Up to speed up, down to slow down, and left and right to move around.
Just keep playing until you've played all the levels! That's really all there is to it. Once you finish, you get a reward. Isn't that cool?
...and in case you're interested, there's an entirely different Yavin 4 room! There's a sliding metal door up in the corner of your screen. Go in it, and you can be in here!
Pretty cool, right? That's all, Star Wars fan. Signing off!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ocean6100 can you please add me as a friend on Club Penguin I'm Abbygrace2 on Club Penguin.
