Thursday, May 2, 2013

Special: interview with Trainman1405

Today I'm bringing you a new kind of post. I've decided to interview some players of interest, and to start off with a bang, I've decided to start with Trainman1405. Here's how the interview went.

Okay, so I've got quite a few questions for you. Thanks for working with me. :)

What would you change if you were in charge of Club Penguin? Why?

The few things that come to mind are making pins smaller like they used to, letting Polo Field tweet us back, and have more merchandise available worldwide.

You're one of the most popular bloggers around. Any tips for other bloggers?

Be original and take risks!

How did you hear about Club Penguin?

A real-life friend told me about it and let me try it out when I was at his house in July 2006.

Do you have any other penguins?

Sort of. Trainman1405 is my penguin but two separate friends gave me the login to their penguins to keep them active. Pinguiny and Mandy26 are their names.

What's your favorite Club Penguin event so far?

Any Halloween Party or Christmas Party.

How did you get your screen name?

I like trains and I'm a dude, what more is there to say? ;)

Finally, what would you like to say to anyone who reads this?

All of you are awesome and special

So there you go. A personal interview with Trainman1405. Did you like it? Who else should I interview? Feel free to tell me in the comments. Waddle On!


  1. You'll always be able to interview me on the Penguin Pages!

  2. I think you should make an interview with Saraapril. She's a great blogger too.
