Thursday, May 9, 2013

Club Penguin Times issue #394

Check out the latest issue of the Club Penguin Times.

Everyone can now train to become Fire and Water Ninjas.

By Aunt Arctic - There are many questions about the mysterious snowfall at the Dojo. But Sensei was nowhere to be found.

Sensei's sudden disappearance is certainly unsettling. He only left a hastily written note. "The elements are out of balance. It is time for me to face the truth behind the storm." "The Fire and Water Dojos are open to all. I need every one of you to prepare."

"Soon, you will understand." "One single snowflake may be quiet. But many become a powerful force." This sounds serious. Drop your pizzas and head to the Dojo! Stay tuned for more information.

Fire and Water Dojos now open to all grasshoppers. Head to the mountain to master the art of Card-Jitsu.

Villains defeated thanks to the Super Heroes!

By a Super Hero - Penguintropolis is free from the grip of evil at last! Courageous heroes used their super powers to stop Protobot and his legion of robots right in their titanium tracks. "Citizens of our great city - together we saved the day!" a satisfied hero exclaimed from a rooftop in the Town.

"With your unwavering bravery, we were able to defeat the diabolical evil that overtook the island. Truth and justice prevail!"

Strange crystals that once held power over robots in the city have disappeared, as has Protobot. Passers by have noticed a strange multicolored glow being emitted from Gary's lab. It remains unclear whether the two are connected. The Elite Penguin Force have released a single word statement. 

C L A S S I F I E D.

On now! Penguin's at Work
Show off your sushi skills and become a Sashimi Chef!

May 16 Furniture
This season it's all about ruby and ebony! Get the latest in ninja decor!

On now - battle ancient shadows at the Stage!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden no until May 14.
Next pin hidden: May 16 - 29

Ask Aunt Arctic

How do I get a paid job?
-Joe B.

There are many things you can do to earn coins in Club Penguin. Here are just a few: Once you're 45 days old, head to the Ski Village to take the Tour Guide Test. Tour Guides help new penguins learn about the island. Interested in something a little more dangerous? Secret Agents help protect Club Penguin from all kinds of threats. Both these careers will earn you a paycheck in the mail every month for all your hard work.

If caring for puffles is more your style, then the Puffle Hotel is the place! Puffle Experts are paid for completing each task in the Puffle Care Quest. Good luck!

Be prepared for anything for Card-Jitsu Training.

Are you a ninja?
-Trae Ning

It's true that I have been training with Sensei for many years now. And I must say I quite enjoy it. Sensei is a wonderful teacher. Very patient, especially with a beginner like myself. But also very tough. There is no time for tea when he's teaching. That comes after. I'm sure many other students can relate when I say, it is always a rewarding feeling to hit the gong at the end of the Waterfall.

And I'm very proud whenever I defeat Sensei in a Card-Jitsu battle. While I admit that I am far from being a Card-Jitsu master, ninja training has prepared me well for dangerous situations. You never know when you might need these skills.


Grasshopper, mastering Card-Jitsu Fire take patience, practice, and a few tips.

  • When you don't have a card of the right element, play your weakest card.
  • If you have a Power Card ready, and get a chance; challenge an opponent to a Card-Jitsu battle. If you win, you'll gain energy.
  • Never give up. You gain progress even if you lose. But if you quit, you will gain nothing.


Q. Why did the penguin attach wheels to her rocking chair?
A. She wanted to rock and roll!

Q. Do you want to hear a joke about pizza?
A. Never mind it's too cheesy!

Q. Why couldn't the piano get into the house?
A. He had so many keys he didn't know which one to use!

Q. What instrument does the invisible man play?
A. Air-guitar!

Q. If the yetis all had a race who would come last?
A. The Abominable slow-man!

Q. What do you call a polar bear with skates?
A. A roller bear!

Q. How do you make a milk shake?
A. Give it a good scare!

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