Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Penguin of the Day - Leafypingu

Here's a message from Polo Field:

Hello Penguins!
It's almost Earth Day, and we're starting to see some helpful penguins raising awareness on Club Penguin! The team showed me a screenshot of one helpful penguin, and I wanted to give them a big shout out here on the blog! 
Congratulations, Leafypingu! We spotted you doing random acts of kindness on Club Penguin. To celebrate, we've added 5000 coins to your penguin account. Hooray!
Check out some of the screenshots:
You never know when the Club Penguin Team will find you doing something positive online! If you've seen someone doing something awesome, feel free to let us know any time. If something catches our eye, we might even consider featuring that person here on the blog. :)
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Oops! Picture glitch above. ;) Hmm... I think the best penguin of the month would be Zznq07!

She's a really nice person who always has some spunk.
Thanks Saraapril for letting us know about the picture bug being fixed.

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