Thursday, April 18, 2013

Earth Day: Random Acts of Kindness!

Here's a message from Polo Field:

Hey Penguins!
Yesterday we spotted Leafypingu rallying to make a difference in the Club Penguin community for Earth Day. It got the team thinking... What could we do to make a difference for Earth Day here at Club Penguin HQ?
That's where you come in! We'd love your help to decide where we should make a difference right here in our home town of Kelowna, Canada.
We have three ideas:
A) Plant some trees
B) Clean up our local stream
C) Plant a garden for our local women's shelter
Which do you think we should do?
Let us know where you think the Club Penguin Team should make a difference for Earth Day! We'll post an update here on the blog after we finish. 
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
That's a really good idea to think of others. :)

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