Thursday, March 28, 2013

Marvel Superhero Party announcement

Here's a message from Spike Hike:

Greetings True Believers!
I'm unbelievably excited to announce the return of the Marvel Superhero Takeover on April 24th!!
There are many secrets ahead, so I won't spoil the surprise, but I can tell you this is an almost ENTIRELY NEW PARTY with new heroes, new villains, and new places from the Marvel Universe!! You are not going to want to miss this...
Excelsior… and Waddle On!
- Spike "The Penguin" Hike & The Club Penguin Team
Very interesting. I wonder who the new superhero is, and the new villians? I have a feeling this will be cool.
Another thing. If they're doing an advertising party this early, I wonder what they have planned for the summer. Probably some more advertising as Spike Hike said that he was working on some stuff for summer,  and I'm assuming that means copyright stuff. What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment below.

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