Thursday, January 10, 2013

Club Penguin Style issue #377

We got another awesome Penguin Style issue!

Gary needs a lot of scientists to join his team during the Prehistoric Party.

By Gary - Attention Scientists!  On Jan 17, we shall kick off the island's first ever Prehistoric Party by actually traveling to the prehistoric era.  But I plan on doing more that 'raising the roof'.  I wish to conduct a thorough study of dinosaurs.  And I need YOU!


Yes you!  To take full advantage of this opportunity, I want gaggles of scientists to conduct research with me.  I shall be conducting a massive excavation of dinosaur nests, looking for dino eggs,.  We will ensure all eggs are returned safely, but I need them for an experiment.  I also wish to study dinosaurs up close.  Of course, many dinosaurs are carnivorous, and could gobble you up faster than Rockhopper consumes strongly aromatic cheese products.

To ensure our safety, we will enlist the help of expert prehistoric caveguin scientists.  I sure they exist.  Who knows, maybe I'll run into my great great great great great great great great great great great uncle, Garugg The Ugg Ugg!  If you like the sound of danger, dinosaurs, and digging, this party is assuredly for you.  Clear your calendar, and join me on Jan 17, will you?

With a bit of dino egg info, penguins can actually turn into dinosaurs!

By Gary - Attention member scientists!  I have a very special proposal for you which I think you'll find quite dino-delightful.  Next week, when we arrive in the Age of the Dinosaurs, I shall be arranging scientific digs to look for dino-eggs.  If my calculations are correct, I should be able to scan those eggs, and use their genetic info to transform us INTO dinosaurs.

I hope we shall discover several species to try this with.  What good is science, after all, unless it can turn you into awesome things?  Don't miss this rare opportunity.  Join the dig on Jan. 17, and let's do some science!

A party of dino-sized proportions!  (Dinosaurs are really big).

On now!  Furniture Catalog
Want a prehistoric pad of your own?  Your wish is granted!  Check out the latest catalog in your igloo!

On now!  Prehistoric Preparations
The Time Trekker is almost ready.  GO check it out at the Snow Forts...  but don't push any buttons!

Find the collectible pin!  Hidden now until January 23.
Next pin hidden: January 24 - February 6

Dear Gary,
What is your favorite brilliant invention?
-Faye Verette

Oh my!  This is much like asking who your favorite puffle is.  How can I choose?  I know!  I'll invent a machine that helps choose my favorite things!  Thank you for the brilliant idea!


Dear Gary,
Do you have any other close relatives?
-Yore Kuzin

Oh my, yes!  I have family members galore - cousins, uncles, you name it.  I even have an aunt (but not the one you're thinking of).  Most of them are much shyer than I however, so I won't mention then by name.  But they know who they are.  I hope.


Dear Gary,
What's you all-time favorite dinosaur?
-Dino Watt

Goodness gracious, another difficult inquiry!  Perhaps the diminutive Micropachycephalosaurus?  Or the recently discovered Carcharodontosaurus?  No!  I can't decide!  I NEED that decision making machine!

Dear Gary,
Why do you want to go to the Age of the Dinosaurs?
-Watts D. Deale

I must admit, my motives for traveling to the Age of the Dinosaurs are not entirely altruistic.  What that means is - I want to go because I want to see dinosaurs so bad!  Oh, how I have loved studying dinosaurs since I was very young.  In fact, one of my first toys was a stuffed Tyrannosaurus Rex.  His name was Lord Chompington.  He was quite polite, I recall.

Researching dinosaurs is partially what inspired me to become an inventor and scientist.  And as I grew older, I wanted to learn more and more about them - what color were they?  Which one was the biggest?  Could they throw snowballs?

So now that I have a time machine, I cannot pass up the chance to see them with my own eyes.  and of course, I couldn't imagine going without taking some friends and colleagues with me.

So now the question is - have YOU ever wanted to go to the Age of the Dinosaurs?  Because if so, we both have our chance!

By Rookie

Surf's up everyone!  It's time to hang ten!  Shoot the tube!  Do a barrel roll!  I'm not sure what any of those mean, but I DO have some super cool tips to for Catchin' Waves.  Surf-alicious!

*Looking to impress the judges?  Each one has a favorite trick - so figure what they want to see, and keep doing it!

*Red puffles are suf experts, so bring yours along to get an edge over the competition.  They'll help you earn points and coins.

*If you're a member, look for the Silver Surfboard.  It's hidden in the Game Upgrade catalog, at teh Cove.  It'll help you go SUPER FAST!

With these tips, you'll be surf-a-nating the saves-ness in no time.  Surf's down!

Q. What did the apple tree say to the tree picker?
A. Stop picking on me!

Q. Why did the one handed pirate cross the road?
A. To get to the second hand shop!

Q. How do athletes stay cool during a game?
A. They stand near fans!
-Emily Qiu

Q. What is a birds favorite type of stationary?
A. A pen-guin!

Q. What do you call a frying pan in space?
A. Astro-pan!
-Solo Nono

Q. What do you call a penguin with 3 eyes?
A. Penguiiin!

Q. What kind of hair does the ocean have?
A. Wavy hair!

Q. Why did the clown eat the 5 dollar bill?
A. He thought it was lunch money!

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