Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Daffo's App Tips - Pufflescape

Here's a message from Daffodaily5:
Hiya guys!
One of my fave games to play on CP is Pufflescape, so it’s fab I can now play it on iPad!  I personally find it quite tricky at times so I always spend aaaages playing it.  I think I can say I’ve nearly mastered it! 
So here are my tips for you:
- Hold down the arrow keys to build up speed and momentum for your puffle
- Use the opposite arrow key as a brake or to slow you down
- Tap the keys lightly if you only need to move your puffle a little bit
- Click the symbol in the top left hand corner to show a diagram with directions
- If you can’t work out a solution, try swapping bits of scenery around – there might be another way!
- Don’t worry about making a mistake and restarting – your puffle is as patient as you are!
If you have any tips you’d like to share then please leave them in the comments below. Also, let me know if there’s any particular part of the Club Penguin app that you would like to see featured on App Tips next time!
-Club Penguin Team
Sounds fun! Pufflescape is a great game. 

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