Thursday, January 23, 2014

Prehistoric Party 2014 Tour Guide Messages

This Prehistoric Party 2014 is now on, so let's check out all the decorated rooms.

Snow Forts (2014)
Tour Guide:
Here we have the Snow Forts. As you can see, there's a time machine here that we can use to travel to the past. Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!

Time Trekker
Tour Guide:
Welcome to the Time Trekker. When traveling through time, keep flippers inside the vehicle. Please remain seated until the time warp is done.

Big Water Place
Tour Guide:
This be Big Water Place. It nice place to tour. Some gets eaten here. Please watch out for lava. It not taste good. Trust me. Slide very fun! Weee UGG!

Stony Town
Tour Guide:
Here be Stony Town. It nice place. Good spot to get eats. New salon make pretty. Bring puffle for splashing.

Tour Guide:
YUM YUM! Restaurant name YUM YUM. Here many good thins to eat. Like pterano tacos and tricera salad. Bang drums! Make music!

Tour Guide:
Here new salon. Well it new to us. Old to modern Club Penguin. Time travel weird... Get unibrow done at chairs. Grab new clothes. Make pretty!

Tree Place
Tour Guide:
GRUB GRUB! This be Tree Place. It named for so many trees. Watch where step. Don't smoosh words! Garugg work hard on them.

Tricera Town
Tour Guide:
YIKES! This be Tricera Town! Many pointy heard dinos here. They like to SMASH and crush. Of course they no crush tour guides. Is rude.

Fancy Plaza
Tour Guide:
Welcome to Fancy Plaza. This classy place. Rocky's Pizza there. Bring pizza to eat at cars. Not for driving! We still working on that.

Rocky's Pizza
Tour Guide:
This Rocky's Pizza. Order fern and feta pizza. Comes in three sizes. Large huge and dino! Play the xylobones on stage. Nice music while eating!

Hunting Spot
Tour Guide:
Ahh, this be Hunting Spot. Good place to catch dinner. Dinos come too. We throw meat to dinos. Drink from waterfall. It good water.

Tyranno Town
Tour Guide:

Pterano Town
Tour Guide:
HEADS UP! This Pterano Town. It filled with flying dinos. You watch flying dinos perform. Clap loud for dinos. Then they not eat us!

Scary Ice
Tour Guide:
This is Scary Ice. This big fish very mad. He no like being frozen. Please no tap on ice. It already getting too weak from volcano.

YUCK! Swamp
Tour Guide:
YUCK! No, me not get dirty. That name of place. YUCK! Swamp. Is nice place to swim. Mud good for skin. Me no want dino skin!

Outside of Volcano
Tour Guide:
Careful here. Lava come up and go down. Walk to rock when lava low. Lava hotter than hot sauce. Bad for stomach.

Inside of Volcano (two rooms)
Tour Guide:
We inside Volcano! Garugg the Ugg Ugg make this. You want hatch puffle egg? Walk on red rocks. Puffle egg get warm! 

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