Thursday, January 23, 2014

Igloo Backyards Now Available For All!

The long-awaited Igloo Backyards are now available for all players, right at the convenience of your own igloo. When you first enter your igloo, you'll get this message:
Where are all my puffles?

Some of your puffles went to your backyard. Only 10 puffles can fit in your igloo. You can adopt up to 40 and keep them in your backyard!

This is fantastic! Click "OK", and the message will disappear. Then click on the Gate icon in the lower-right corner. You'll then be taken to your new Igloo Backyard!

When you first enter your Igloo Backyard, this message will appear:
Welcome to your backyard!

  • Now adopt up to 40 puffles!
  • You can move puffles between your igloo and backyard
  • Your puffles' stats stay the same while they're in your backyard
Click "OK", and the message will disappear, and you'll be in your Igloo Backyard!

One last thing before we finish: there's a slightly different way to take care of your puffles now! Just click on them, and you'll get this:

Pretty awesome! The "Leash" icon allows you to easily start walking your puffles, the "Comb" icon means you can take care of your puffle in more detail, and the "Arrow" icon means you can move it to either your igloo to your Backyard or vice versa.

This is fantastic! Huge props to the Club Penguin Team on this one.

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