Thursday, November 28, 2013

Club Penguin Times issue #423

This week's issue of the Club Penguin Times issue is EPF-themed. Check it out:

Undercover from Dot.

By Dot the Disguise Gal -- Listen up, everyone! I snuck into Herbert's base and recorded a conversation between that villain and his crab. Now we know what he's been doing with all those coins!

Taken from agent Dot's recording:

Herbert: Klutzy, throw another coin in! It's gotta stay nice and warm.

Klutzy: Click click, click.

Herbert: Not warm enough! I finally have a place where I can relax and enjoy a nice quiet game.

Klutzy: Clickety click click!

Herbert: Well you should have thought of that before you stol a COIN-operated dial for the furnace! Honestly, if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't even have to use my mind control device on the puffles.

Klutzy: Clickety clickety...

Herbert: Of course we don't have enough yet! I want to have be nice and toasty for the rest of my life! MWAHAHAHA!

Klutzy: Click!

Herbert: What did you just do? Don't step there! You're going to set off that trap!

That was all I was able to record before I made my stealthy escape. Good luck to all those penguins rescuing puffles. Until we can put an end to his mind control for good, you're our best bet.


The edition of CP Times is confidential! Not to be shared with Herbert or his lackeys!

Gary hard at work on a solution to puffle mind control.

By Gary the Gadget Guy - Greetings! The hunt for Herbert is afoot. I've been analyzing the brain boxes that you have removed, and I am close to cracking Herbert's security systems.

We've already managed to sneak Dot inside once. But to permanently shut down his broadcast device, we'll need full access. I'm prototyping a new gadget that will allow an agent to infiltrate Herbert's base. I don't envy the agent that has to jump into the belly of that beast, but it's the only way!

Once inside, they can use the color chips to disrupt the mind control signal and free all the puffles. That'll be the end of this heinous invention!

On now! Rescue Puffles!
Save puffles and get ready to infiltrate Herbert's base!

Dec. 12 Stage
A Humbug Holiday hits the Stage!

Dec. 19 Coins For Change
Start saving up for the donation drive!

Dec. 5 - Checking these frosty fashions at the Clothes Shop

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until December 11.
Next pin hidden: December 12-26


What can I do to help the rescue effort?
-Ike Air

Well, the first thing to do is try to rescue a puffle. There are more appearing every day, and all of them desperately need your help. But if you've already saved them from mind control, there is still muchc to be done.

Recruits at the Boot Camp could always use a pizza to keep their strength up, or a nice cup of tea to stay warm. It's dangerous out there in the wilderness. If you are a tour guide, give tours to the new recruits and let them know where to be wary and where to rest up.

The wilderness is also full of mysteries. You can gather at the Outpost and then set of for an expedition. Areas like the River Cave and the Ice Falls are largely unexplored. Write into the paper if you see anything curious.

Why does Klutzy help Herbert?
-Wei Kupklutz

I have heard from reliable sources that when Herbert first drifted near our island, he was tossed off of an iceberg and into the treacherous water. Not able to swim, the polar bear panicked.

That was when Klutzy the crab risked the choppy waves and braved the swatting of a floundering bear. ever since, they've been inseparable.

I'm afraid I can't answer your question completely, since we still haven't been able to speak to Klutzy. But I choose to think that he sees some good side of Herbert that we have never witnessed. What about you, readers? What would Klutzy say about Herbert if we could ask him?

By Gary

Over our many confrontations with Herbert, I've seen him utilize a number of clever traps. Since some of you may soon be venturing into his lair, I thought it would be prudent to review his methods.

First and foremost, be wary for suspended cages. Those devices are simple and effective. Herbert's desire to be warm make shim lean toward lasers and hot sauce in his inventions. He's all about using heat as a weapon, so be aware.

I hope these tips help you out in the field! Good luck!


Q. What does a cow make when there is an earthquake?
A. A milkshake!
-Green Mystic

Q. What happened to the plant in the math class?
A. It grew square roots!

Q. What has 4 legs and no body?
A. A chair!

Q. What kind of chips fly?
A. Plain chips!

Q. What do you call an alligator in a vest?
A. An investigator

Q. What has two wheels and drives underwater?
A. A motor pike!

What fills a room but takes up no space? -Tom412
Answer: light

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