Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ocean at CP exclusive: interview with Woddylan

Hiya guys! Today I'm bringing you another interview, with Woddylan himself!
Hey! Thanks so much for letting me interview you!
Anytime, bro! :)

I've heard that some people pronounce your name wrong. How do you say it?
I pronounce it "wad" as in "waddle", then the name "Dylan", but the "wad" part of it is still spelled "wod".

Interesting! How do you get that name?
Well, my sister was helping me come up with a name for my Webkinz account before I knew about Club Penguin, but I made it my account name for everything. She told me to say a random word, and so I chose "Wood", but I couldn't spell very well then because I was young, and so I spelled it "Wod". Then my sister added my name to the end of it.

That's a fun story! Since you joined, what's been your favorite thing that has happened on the Island?
I'm going to say the Music Jam of 2010.

Why do you choose that?
Because it was just a really fun party, and there was a lot of fun party rooms, and I enjoyed meeting the mascots.

Awesome! Here's a big question: where do you get all your imaginative ideas?
I just come up with them, and I try to do something with the idea.

Favorite type of Puffle?
That's a really hard question, but I think I'd have to say purple.

Favorite item?
That's a really, REALLY hard choice, but I'd have to say either the Club Shirt or the Emerald Viking Helmet. The Emerald Viking Helmet because it's rare and it's special to me, and the Club Shirt just because it has the logo on it, and it looks really cool on your penguin.

Who inspired you to be a Club Penguin blogger?
A penguin named Cena12121.

Why did he inspire you to be a blogger?
After I joined Club Penguin, I was looking for Club Penguin blogs because I needed to find mascot trackers, and I came up with Team Club Penguin Cheats (which is now Best Club Penguin Cheats). They had really awesome trackers, and I wanted to make a blog of my own, because I was inspired by the awesomeness of his.

Favorite food in real-life?
Probably pizza, but I also have an obsession with donuts, because I love them so much.

If you could have any item in Club Penguin with no consequences, what would it be?
If I had to choose just one, I'd have to say the Hawaiian Lei.

Finally, what do you want to say to anyone who reads this?
Eat your daily donuts!