Thursday, June 6, 2013

Spy Phone message from G - 6/6/13 (UPDATED)

G has sent us a message via the Spy Phone!

Despite extensive experimentation, the application of that stolen hot sauce remains unclear. One indisputable fact - that polar bear is keeping an awfully low profile!

You got that right, G. Herbert will only appear in short spaces after long periods of time...

UPDATE: It would seem that Club Penguin has deleted Gary's message and replaced it with one from The Director. It is as follows:

Agents. Continue to join our ninja allies in battle. Defend the island. The threat is great.

This is interesting. Why would they delete the primary message? Don't know.

Thanks Trainman1405 twice. ;)


  1. You're using Icequix's custom for your header instead of mine? *smashes computer*

    1. Sorry! I don't mean to offend you, honestly. :(
