Thursday, February 7, 2013

Club Penguin Times issue #381

The Hollywood Party is gunna be totes cray cray!

By Cadence - Hey party penguins! Only one week left until the island gets glam! And what's a movie party without Directors, Superstars, and awards?! This party's gunna have it all. Keep reading for all the need-to-know deets. Get ready to party like SUPERSTARS!


There's going to be three sets. Make sure you hit 'em all up: Club Penguin High 3, High-Speed Getaway and Return of the Space Squid. And I've brought in some superstar power to help u get famous!

"Training young stunt grasshoppers is most important. Stunt work is dangerous and requires patience, practice, and tolerance of thunderous explosions."

"GADZOOKS! I can't wait to get on the space movie set. ALIENS!!! What more could you ask for?!"

And of course I'll be helping choreograph Club penguin High 3. STOKED!!!!

So what are u waiting for? Start practicing your pose for the paparazzi, coz ur going to be a STAR!!!

Luxury Penthouses are popping up all over the island! Tour the lifestyles of the rich and famous!


Once island. One igloo. A million-billion-trillion imaginations. A penguin with a dream: to build spaceships using puffle beds. Faced with insurmountable challenges and a catalog full of furniture, will he succeed? Only time will tell.

Join one penguin on his adventure to build the ultimate igloo, and achieve his dream. The journey begins February 7! You'll love it. You'll LIKE it. And the world will be changed forever.

Coming to an igloo near you!

Your chance to SHINE! Filming begins Feb. 14.

On now! Igloo Furniture
Calling all directors! Movie-inspired furniture is now available. What will you create?

Feb. 21 Award Show
Get ready to rock the read carpet. Catch the hottest stars and find out who will win!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until February 20.
Next pin hidden: February 21 - March 6


Can we be friends?
- B. Freds

Absolutely! I luv makign friends. Meet me around the island and add me to ur friend's list. STOKED!

I love your music! SQUEE!
-Sue Perfan

Thanks! I'm stoked u guys are digging what I'm doing. It's totes fun and I luv seeing everyone rock out with me.

Who's your biggest inspiration?
-Annie Roumodedell

Oh man, that's a toughie. I get so inspired by so many different artists. Though, if I had to pick one, I'd say Franky. The dude's a genius, loves what he does, and works totes hard.

Where do you get all your ideas?
-Bri Lee Ant

Where don't I get ideas from?! My ideas strike when I'm spinning tunes, dancing, and making fish dogs. I mean some of my best ideas have even come from a slushie-induced brain freeze! LOL!

Ahh! Too many to choose from! Can't... Pick... FAVORITE...

What's your favorite music?
-Mew Zeke

Wow! Now that's a tough question to answer. I mean, I listen to a lot of music. A LOT!!! I've got shelves full of everything from Rock, to Indie, to Hip Hop, to Country, to Dance. I luv checking out new artists. And it's super cool to check out groups that blend different styles together. Rock music with a little bit of Dubstep? EPIC!

I luv spinning and singing Dance tunes, so that's def up there. But I must admit that my face changes like every other day. This last week I've been really into JPop. Super catchy beats - makes me wanna get up and dance! What are you guys into right now! I'd luv to check out ur fave bands!

By Cadence

Check it peeps! U wanna be a dance superstar? Well, here's some tips to help u rock it.

* Play attention to the beta and move with it.
* Bring ur purple puffle along. They'll help u rip up the dance floor.
* And of course: practice, practice, practice. If u wanna be great, u gotta put in the work.

Cadence out!


Q. What do you call a dinosaur that's never late?
A. A pronto-sauruss!

Q. Why do bananas wear sun screen?
A. Because they peel!
-Gia Sparkle

Q. What's a polar bear's favorite sport?
A. Water polar!

Q. What do you call weather that pours money from the sky?
A. Change!

Q. How do you make gold soup?
A. Boil 24 carrots!

Q. What do trees like to eat?
A. Gum trees!
-Rox The Fox2


1. The more you take, the more you leave behind, what am I?


Huh! This is the first newspaper in a long time to have riddles! :)

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