Saturday, January 19, 2013

Prehistoric Field Friday message

Here's a message from Polo Field:

Ooga booga, penguins! Thanks to everyone who logged on to celebrate Field Friday with us.
As you may or may not know, each week we like to hang out online with a small group of penguins just to have fun together! Every week, Moose and I look forward to spending time with everyone on Club Penguin. It reminds us of just how special the Club Penguin community is, and how lucky we are to be a part of it!
For this week’s Field Friday, we played a game of igloo hide and seek. I tweet clues about what igloo I’m in, and everyone works together to find me.
This time we tried to visit a few igloos with only a few Likes. It was awesome to have everyone working together to give other penguins some more Likes for their igloo decorating skills. Businesmoose even joined us this time! :)
As you can see, it gets quite busy online! We found a bunch of great Prehistoric-themed igloos, and a few people earned igloo party Stamps today, too. I only managed to get a couple of pictures of the event, so I’m sharing them here for you!

Thanks to everyone who joined us online for Field Friday this week. Hope to see you again soon! :D

I like that I was featured in two of the pictures.  :)
Good post, Polo!  :)

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