Here's a message from Polo Field:
Hello Penguins!
You’ve been sending in lots of great questions about the upcoming Prehistoric Party. So today I’m answering some of the most popular ones:
When does the party start?
January 17 – less than a week from now!
Will we really be able to transform into dinosaurs?
Yep! Get ready to fly, stomp, and roar as a Triceratops, T-Rex, and Pteranodon. This is what your player card will look like when you’re a dinosaur:

How long can we stay a dinosaur?
Until you’re ready to transform back into a penguin… or a different dino!
Do dinosaurs have special powers?
Yeah, they throw PUKE snowballs! I learned that the hard way:

Hope you’re digging these party sneak peeks. What else are you interested in hearing about the party? We'll try to answer more questions later this week!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
You’ve been sending in lots of great questions about the upcoming Prehistoric Party. So today I’m answering some of the most popular ones:
When does the party start?
January 17 – less than a week from now!
Will we really be able to transform into dinosaurs?
Yep! Get ready to fly, stomp, and roar as a Triceratops, T-Rex, and Pteranodon. This is what your player card will look like when you’re a dinosaur:

How long can we stay a dinosaur?
Until you’re ready to transform back into a penguin… or a different dino!
Do dinosaurs have special powers?
Yeah, they throw PUKE snowballs! I learned that the hard way:

Hope you’re digging these party sneak peeks. What else are you interested in hearing about the party? We'll try to answer more questions later this week!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome, Polo! It would seem that this time, we don't have a time limit on how long our transformations last, unlike the Holiday Party. Exciting!
Credit to Commander Bsyew!
No problem Ocean! :)