Awesome! We have a new issue of Club Penguin Times!
Dinosaurs are escaping from the prehistoric age!
By Gary - I have received reports that a few dinosaurs have made their way back to present day Club Penguin. I am concerned that the dinosaur-related-destruction will affect the time-space-continuum.
OH NO!!!
There could be all kinds of CRAZY consequences. And who's going to clean up all the mess?! Dinosaurs are ill-adapted to arctic temperatures and could find themselves catching colds. This could result in a variety of issues.
For example, we don't have tissues to cope with the velocity of dino-powered sneezes.
As for a rift in the time-space-continuum, who knows what this could do to the future?! I don't beleive we have cause to panic just yet, but maybe we can start in a few minutes.
IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE, please make sure all dinosaurs return to the past before the party ends January 29.
Cadence is preparing a HUGE star-studded event!
WHAT'S UP CLUB PENGUIN!! Check it, I've got something big planned. And I mean BIG! HUGE! Flashing lights. Red carpet. The hottest fashions. Parties. Limos. Awards!
That's just the beginning! Prepare for glitz and glamorama - coz this could make U a star!
Got tons to do to get ready! Can't stick around and chat. Starts saving your coins for your fabulous new lifestyle.
OK - Feb. 14! Mark your calendars - and get planning your rise to fame.
Jan. 31: Penguin Style - Find outfits for your new glamorous lifestyle!
On now! Prehistoric Party
Hurry back in time! This party becomes extinct Jan 29.
Feb. 7 Furniture Catalog
Dream BIG with the latest in igloo decor.
Feb. 14 Star Studded Party
Lights. Camera. Action. Get ready for the glitziest, showbiz-iest event of the year!
Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until February 6.
Next pin hidden: February 7 - 20
I'm glad you asked! It is a result of light being reflected and scattered by the larger particles of dust and water vapor in the atmosphere.
why u want turn into dino?
I shall ask you a question in return: why not?! All my research concludes that being a dinosaur provides a 147.8% increase in burp volume. Very satisfying.
u gonna eat that?
-Yub Grub
Ummm... I don't suppose I am. Go ahead.
what time-space-continuum?
-Ugg Ugg
A fascination subject. I'll have to prepare a presentation so I can tell you all about it!
Help me get back to the present day? I'm stuck.
Gadzooks! I thought that play was fictional. Does this mean that the Living Sled is REAL?! This is a phenomenal discovery!
It is theoretically possible there are still more dinosaurs in Club Penguin.
Why are there no dinosaurs in modern day?
-Noah Moore
A brilliant question my good man. And one that has been debated in the scientific community for ages. Was it a meteorite? Did the world freeze into a giant popsicle? Was there a hot sauce flood? Were the unable to adapt to the changing of the ecosystem?
All very fascination theories. But perhaps not ALL dinosaurs are extinct. As I recall there was an expedition this past year to Dinosaur Island. Perhaps they were all hiding out there. Perhaps the dinosaurs of today are quite shy. Perhaps they are just waiting for us to introduce ourselves.
We've yet to uncover all the mysteries. Why there are even parts of Club Penguin that have yet to be explored!
So onwards fellow paleontologists! For science!
By Gary
Gadzooks! You're a dinosaur! Here are a few things you can do to make the most of your prehistoric transformation:
*To roar, press "D"
*To wiggle your tail as T-Rex of Triceratops, press "W"
*To do a barrel roll as a Pteranodon, press "W"
*To barf, throw a snowball
Now you know everything you need to be a dinosaur!
Q. What is a fish that is not a fish?
A. A starfish!
Q. When is a door not a door?
A. When it's a jar!
Q. What did the potato say to the cracker?
A. Your jokes are crummy!
Q. Why did the orange stop rolling down the road?
A. It ran out of juice!
-Rosie 14532
Q. Why are penguins so popular on the internet?
A. Because they have webbed feet!
Q. What do you call a dancing sheep?
A. A baaa-lerina!
That's all, folks! ;)
Hope you like it!
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