Friday, January 18, 2013

Club Penguin Times issue #378

Woo!   This week we have a new issue of Club Penguin Times!  :)
Travel back to the Age of the Dinosaurs!

By Gary - EUREKA!  I'VE DONE IT!  We've successfully traveled back to the Age of the Dinosaurs.  Get ready everyone, because now it's time for science!  This will be the greatest discovery of my career!  Well, what are you waiting for?!  Let's get digging!  Collect those eggs!

For Science!

I can barely contain my excitement!  I just spotted a tyrannosaurus rex, and have been tracking a herd of triceratops all afternoon.  And I have great news for all you dino-enthusiasts out there.  I have perfected the Dino Transmogrification device!  Now I just need prehistoric member scientists to collect eggs and transform into dinosaurs!  So I can study them!  Isn't science magnificent?!

Caveguins - be careful not to get too close to these prehistoric beasts.  They have a nasty nip!  Always carry food with you and feed them often.  Great Scott - a Pteranodon just flew of with my notebook - see you back in time!

By dUgglus - dino scary.  they big.  loud.  sharp teeth.  me run away.  but me have secret.  important secret.  me share secret with you.  Ooga Booga!  you hear me.  you look like dinos want to eat you.  i help you not be food.  Ugg!  Ugg!  ready?  you see dino you throw meat.  dino like meat.  dino eat meat.  dino be full.  dino too full to eat you.  you run away.  you no get eaten.  Ugg Ugg you owe me.

New Party Emotes: Ugg make fire.  Ugg want meat.  Ugg need unibrow.
On now!  Prehistoric party
Scientists and curious penguins everywhere - travel back in time with the Time Trekker!

On now!  Items for Everyone!
Caveguins and scientists get the latest prehistoric fashions in the prehistoric forts.


Ugg!  what r on face?
-Me Gurrr

These?  They're called glasses.  I recently confirmed I can't see very well without them.  My left eye is -11.5 and my right eye is -13.5.  Thanks for your question.

yellow shiny dino in forest!  what that?
-Urr Gurr

That, my good caveguin is called the Time Trekker.  I invented it.  It's how I traveled from the future!

ur clothes funny!  HAHAHA!
-Mok Gurr

Yes, I do suppose they seem quite impractical to you.  But I assure you they are perfect for scientific experiments!  I shall have to bring you back a coat or two.

u have fuzzy beasts!  i can eat?!
-Hung Gurree

I'm afraid we've grown quite fond of their company, and keep them as pets.  I urge you to try a prehistoric smoothie instead.

The eggs will provide crucial information for our experiments!

why you dig eggs?  u make egg house?  u hungry?
-Gurr E Us

Research my good man!  Research!   I am utterly curious about dinosaurs and it's absolutely exhilarating to be here to study them!  I need to observe dinosaurs in the natural habitat, as well as their eggs.  How long do they take to hatch, what do baby dinosaurs look like, what do they eat, what color are dinosaurs, what sounds do they make, why do they look so grump, how fast do they run, can they jump, do they make good pets, would you want them on your team in a snowball fight?

All questions that science has yet to answer!  So I shall be conducting extensive observations, and taking plenty of notes.  I assure you that everything will be put back right where it was found.  I wouldn't want to create a rift in the time-space-continuum.

By Gary

Greetings fellow scientists!   I've compiled a few proven methods to maximize your egg-finding potential.

*Dig where small light particles refract off the sand.  There will definitely be eggs there.

*Keep excavating.  There remarkably rare eggs waiting to be unearthed.

Stand back when they hatch!

Q. Why did the cow cross the road?
A. To get to the "udder" side!

Q. Why did the dog sit under the tree?
A. He didn't want to be a hot dog!

Q. Whatt's a snowman's worst day?
A. Sunday!

Q. What starts with P and has a million letters in it?
A. A post office!

Q. Have you heard the joke about the garbage truck?
A. No?  Well it's a whole lot of rubbish.

Q. What do you call a penguin winner?
A. A penguinner!

Q. What did the octopus say to his mom?
A. Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand?

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