Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Reviewed By You

Here's a message from Polo Field:

Hello Penguins!

We've seen a lot of you baking cookies, transforming, having snowball fights, and getting into the holiday spirit. When we asked what you were most excited for at the Holiday Party, here's what Julesbug323 had to say:

Coins for change! I hope everybody that has 10,000 or more coins will give it to coins for change!! I am looking forward to changing into a Frost Bite!!! Cannot wait till RockHopper comes!!

We're stoked to see so many of you donating to Coins For Change! What cause did you donate to during Coins For Change and why did you pick it?

Leave your comment below and we'll feature one in our next Reviewed By You. The featured penguin will also receive 10,000 coins!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team


I donated to the "Save the Earth" cause exclusively.  I think it's a great cause!

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