Thursday, December 27, 2012

Club Penguin Times issue #375

Today, we have an exciting new edition of the Club Penguin Times!


From Everyone - Happy Holidays Club Penguin!  2012 is almost over, and penguisn everywhere are celebrating the end of a truly remarkable year!  This year would not have been the same without you (yes YOU).  So here's out thanks for a fantastic year!


Rockhopper: Ahoy maties!  Remember when we unleashed that cursed volcano, BIG BIG KAHUNA, on the island?  I thought we were all done for!  YARR HARR HARR!  Good times!  Thank ye for bein' me pirate partners in peril!

Gary: Great scott!  This year has come and gone already?!  I suppose that proves that time flies when you're having fun, and you have all made each event mirthful indeed.  Actually, "flying time" gives me an idea...

Aunt Arctic: Thank you for all your help making Club Penguin such a safe and silly place it is.  You have all surprised and inspired me.  Not to mention that some of you recently rescued me from a tight spot (you know who you are).  Cheers for the new year!

Cadence: Yo peeps!  Thanks for a cray cray year, and helping me rock out my first music videos.  I've got wicked plans that're gonna BLOW.  YOUR.  MIND.

Sensei: Ninjas - you continue to impress me.  I know now what the future holds, but I know that you shall be ready for it.

Rookie: I've got a list!  Thank you Bambadee, Scorn, the Incredible Hulk, Rocky, Jet Pack Guy, The Director... Oh I don't have time to say them all?!  Okay!  THANKS EVERYONE ON EARTH!

PH: Thanks for a memorable year mates!  You guys made magnificent puffles at the Puffle Party.  Can't wait to show you what I'm working on next.  Cheers!


Coins For Change is nearly finished!  Got room for a few more cookies?  Then head to the Cookie Shop, and use your sweet tooth to help change the world!


By Rockhopper - Ahoy maties!  There be only a week left of this 2000 and 12th year, and it be time to make resolutions for the next!  So as ye prepare for the voyage forward, yer dear Captain has a few words of wisdom for ye.

Every year, the only resolution Captain Rockhopper signs his name to is to make the next year even better.  Make it bigger.  Make it bolder!  Make it BADDER!  But badder in a good way.

So if ye be willin', resolve to make 2013 the best ruckus ye've ever had.  That be ME resolution.

I'll see ye around - fair winds!


On now!  Holiday Party
Happy Holidays!  Don't miss your special gifts - including the new Arctic White color!

Jan. 4 Penguin Style
The New Year is here!  Time for a new look.  The latest fashions are coming to the Clothes Shop.

Jan. 4 Scientific Announcement
Gary the Gadget Guy will make an astounding announcement next week.

Find the collectible pin!  Hidden now until January 9.
Next pin hidden: January 10-23

Sup Cap'N!
You up to throw down a buccaneer jam next time you're island-side?  Peace!
Ahoy Cadence!
ARR!  Yer question be harder to read than the runes of the Temple of Confusion.  What did ye say, lass?

Yo Rockhopper!  How can I be as cool as you?!

Start by getting a pirate ship, yer own island, a hoard of gold, a beard manly enough to crush a shark, a fearless first mate, and a reckless disregard for danger.  Once ye have'em, I'll tell ye step two.

Greetings Hopper of Rocks, How do you keep your beard looking so bold?

ARR!  Sensei, you old kook!  Yer beard be one of the finest, boldest in the land!  In fact, once I leave, it'll be the ONLY beard in the land!  Ye need not any tips for this sea dog!

Where are you headed next?
-Sew Long

Ahoy Sew Long!
I have NO IDEA!  YARR HARR!  That be the best party of a pirate's life - every time ye cast off, the possibilities are as vast as the sea!  Though I DID enjoy the royal ruckus me an' the Frost Bites have been causin'.  Maybe I'll head to the land of the Frost Bites with some of those magic cookies, and scare the snowflakes right outta them!  Or maybe I'll drop by Rockhopper Island for a fortnight.  Yarr likes bringing' presents to the other red puffles this time o' year.  And he steers the ship.  So I may have little choice!

So now I ask ye - where be YE headin' next?  Where's yer next adventure?  Keep yer eyes open, and yer beards trimmed, me hearties!

Q. What do you call an alligator with a vest on?
A. An in-vest-a-gator!

Q. Why did the cucumber call for help?
A. He was in a pickle!
-Bo Peep1

Q. What do you call a polar bear on a hot day?
A. A solar bear!

Q. What do penguins say to each other on New Year's Day?
A. Flappy New Year!
-Mr Wheezie

Q. What type of house weighs the least?
A. A lighthouse!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Phillip who?
Phillip a big plate and dig in!


By Rookie

T'is the week before New Years, everyone's full of cookies.

If you have just a moment, read this poem of Rookie's.

It's been a great year, we've all had some fun.
(Except that one time when Herb stole the sun.)

We fought dragons, and robots,
jammed tunes, and caught ghosts.

We threw fruit, changed the world, and I ate Mullet on toast.
(I burnt it but my puffle ate the gross burnt parts cuz he doesn't care about charred food like I do.)

So great job to you all, and I'm sure you'll agree - 
You guys are the best.  Have a high five from me!


I loved this issue of the Club Penguin Times.
Happy New Year!

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