Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New Music Video: Ghosts Just Wanna Dance!

The music video for the Penguin Band and Cadence's soon-to-be hit "Ghosts Just Wanna Dance" has just came out!  Check it out!

EPIC!  I kinda like how the mixed the Halloween Party Commercial with the music.  :)  Nice work, Club Penguin... and, of course, the Penguin Band and Cadence.  ;)

Here is what Happy77 had to say about it.  (Taking out the video)

Greetings Penguins! 

Here's a brand new music video for you, featuring both the Penguin Band AND Cadence! I can't wait to hear what you think of this one:

What was your favorite part of the music video? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team
By Happy77 on October 03 2012 10:03

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