Saturday, September 29, 2012

Featured Igloos - September 28, 2012

Hey penguins!  The Club Penguin Team has released some new featured igloos!


Thanks for all the fabulous igloo nominations you sent in! It was hard to choose just 3 to feature, but we really loved these designs:

Mmstar0 said: "Check out Sms8's igloo, it's really cool!"

Sms8_edit.jpgDanceislife said: "Hey!!! Check out Einstein's igloo! His igloos are always full of surprises!"

Einstein_edit.jpgPengamer25 said: "You should check out my friend Tangoboy4's iggy! It's awesome! Waddle On!"

Tangoboy4_edit.jpgFor something a little different this time, we'd love to hear why you think your own igloo design should be featured on the blog. Let us know in the comments below and we'll post more again soon! 

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77 on September 28 2012 06:29

I really like all those igloos!
I think I like Sms8 best.