Happy77 posted a new post on the What's New Blog!
Here it is below!
Thanks for all of the amazing comments you submitted about helping endangered animals! It was hard to choose just one comment to feature, but I really liked Ariane2005's:
"Hey Guys can you guess what I do everyday? Yep I clean up where I live. I do that because there are animals that live there to. Like Birds,Stray Cats, Skunks, Deer, Insects, Mystery animal, Hedgehogs too. You see any backyard can be a habitat so help keep it clean no animal likes a dirty habitat. This idea was inspired by club penguin. I have been cleaning the habitat for years. One More Thing Waddle On C.P"
Have you checked out the latest story clue? Seems like the room pictured below could be somewhere wizards (or Gary) might spend time in... ;)
For the next Reviewed By You, I'd like to know what your favorite Club Penguin story is and why. I'll post one of your comments and you'll even receive a 10,000 coin bonus on your account! Just in time to buy some sweet furniture items for your igloo castle.
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Also, as a bonus. they published my comment!
One of my favorite stories Club Penguin has ever done was the one with, (for EPF agents only), the almost weekly Field-Ops. I like to follow the story each week. I was worried about Herbert for awhile! It's good to see he's OK. Thank you Club Penguin for making Club Penguin such a fun place!
Waddle On!
Thank you so much Club Penguin for publishing my comment!
I think that may be a picture of a place I think is called the Wizard's Workshop!
Waddle On!
(I heard about this from Saraapril!)