Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Featured Igloos - May 29 ~Happy77~

Happy77 posted a new post on the What's New Blog
Here it is!

Greetings Lords and Ladies!

The Medieval Party is in full swing, and we've been seeing all kinds of sweet medieval igloos out there. Check out some of our favorites:

Tiaminpin said: "Please, Please, PLEASE, check out my friend Eve79260's igloo. It's the awesomest one yet!! You Gotta check it out! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check it out, It's the AWESOMEST, COOLEST, MOST AMAZING one I've ever seen!!!!! 
Waddle On!!! :D p.s. u guys rock! ;D"

Eve79260_edit.jpgHur11 said: "My friend Sumari347 has a soo sweet and soo superbo castle igloo u won't believe looks like angels set them there its soo great castle i would love to have like that one. Waddle On CP...!!! =D"

Sumari347_edit.jpgIsaac Walker said: "I saw this guy named Ocean6100. HIS IGLOO IS AWESOME!!!!! PLZ CHECK IT OUT THX"

Ocean6100_edit.jpgDo you know someone whose igloo should be featured on the blog? Post their penguin's name and why you like their igloo in the comments below!

Waddle On! :)

- Club Penguin Team
By Happy77 on May 29 2012 02:12 | Comments (39)

Thanks SO much for publishing me on the What's New Blog!

Waddle On!


(Credit to Saraapril!)