Here is what Happy77 said on the What's New Blog!
Thanks for all of the silly jokes from last time's Reviewed By You! I liked Purplepal43's April Fools prank:
"This is a good trick for someone to be easily fooled :- Scrape the cream out of an oreo cookie and put toothpaste instead! The next person who eats the oreo
cookie gets a minty surprise!"
Sounds... delicious? ;)

As you know, there's just a few more days to show your support for the planet at the Earth Day event!
I've seen so many of you dressed up like endangered animals online. So this week I'd like to know about how you've shown your support for endangered animals in real life.
Have you done something special to help endangered animals? Let us know how you've helped out in the comments below!
I'll randomly select one of your comments in our next Reviewed By You post. If your comment is picked, you'll even receive a 10,000 coin bonus on your account.
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
I think you would get a overdose of fluoride!
That's just how I am! XD
Have you helped the earth in someway?
Waddle On!